
Showing posts from 2016

Happy New Year

To you and your loved ones, Happy New Year. I wish you a prosperous 2017. Today is a significant moment in our lives, not because it represents the first item in this year’s calendar.  It is a special day because a new era is began, a new sense of purpose and responsibility is upon us. Here comes the time to make new resolutions and pursue our dreams with hopes of a new great things to come. The past is history, the present is past and the future is now. As we celebrate today, thanking God for sparing our lives, we should remember to shed off all our past mistakes and bad habits. We all desire to achieve in this year, those things we could not achieve in the past year, we can with God’s grace but we must learn to take a new approach to what we do and put on new habits that would help us to be more productive. In the words of the great Physicist, Albert Einstein, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” It’s time to avoid the mistakes